How do I monitor a Website, TCP Port or Ping?
Monitoring a website Step-by-Step
When you select "Monitors" on the top menu at the Nixstats dashboard you'll be taken to the monitor's overview page. This is where you can view all monitors that are currently active at Nixstats.
To start monitoring a website click on the blue "Add monitor" button.

Clicking on "Add monitor" will take you to the new monitor form page.

Check type
HTTP Checks for a valid HTTP status code on port 80 (http)
HTTPS Checks for a valid HTTP status code on port 443 (https)
TCP Checks for a response on a specific TCP port using telnet
ICMP Sends an ICMP Ping request to your IP or Hostname.
IP, Hostname or URL
Enter the full URL or IP address you want to monitor.
The maximum number of redirects our uptime node will make. If the node exceeds the number of redirects it will trigger an error.
This is the maximum time in seconds a check can take before triggering a timeout error.
Friendly name
The name this monitor will have at the Nixstats dashboard.
Check every
How often a monitor is checked, the lower this value the sooner you will receive an alert.
Defines how many different locations we should check if a downtime event is triggered. This is to prevent you from getting false positive alerts. The higher this value the less likely you will receive a false positive alert.
Monitoring Location
Select a location that we should perform monitoring checks from.
Who should be alerted about downtime and uptime events. Visit the Alerts page to create contacts.
Updated on: 21/12/2017
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