Nixstats Slack Integration (Outgoing Webhook)
It's possible to fetch graphs directly from Slack using an outgoing webhook. Here are some instructions on how to enable this.
You'll need an API key from nixstats first, create a (read only) API key.
Login to your Slack panel and create an outgoing webhook.
Set Trigger Word(s) to nixstats:
Set URLs to Don't forget to enter your nixstats api token here.
Leave the token value as is.
Optionally enter a custom name for the bot, and add an icon (
Search for a server:

Retrieve graphs for a server:

Search for a monitor:

You'll need an API key from nixstats first, create a (read only) API key.
Slack Outgoing Webhook
Login to your Slack panel and create an outgoing webhook.
Set Trigger Word(s) to nixstats:
Set URLs to Don't forget to enter your nixstats api token here.
Leave the token value as is.
Optionally enter a custom name for the bot, and add an icon (
Using the outgoing webhook
Search for a server:

Retrieve graphs for a server:

Search for a monitor:

Updated on: 29/05/2018
Thank you!