Uninstall the monitoring agent
To remove this server from Nixstats first remove the monitoring agent. About 30 minutes after the monitoring agent stops sending data a remove server button should appear on the servers page. For version 1.0 and up: If your system uses systemd For init rm -f /etc/nixPopularUpgrading the nixstatsagent
To upgrade to the latest version of nixstatsagent run the following command: pip install nixstatsagent --upgrade After the upgrade is completed restart the agent. service nixstatsagent restart You should now be upgraded to the latest version of nixstatsagent.Few readersRunning the monitoring agent as root user
By default the nixstatsagent runs under it's own user nixstats. This prevents the monitoring agent to have access to certain data such as process level disk I/O. Here is how to run the nixstatsagent as root user to unlock these statistics. If you have a file at /etc/systemd/system/nixstatsagent.service your services run from systemd, else try the init.d method. Systemd Open /etc/systemd/system/nixstatsagent.service and change the line with User=nixstats to User=root Run sFew readersHow do I monitor a server?
Monitoring a new server step-by-step When you click on Servers on the top menu you'll be taken to an overview of all servers in your account. Click on the blue "Add server" button. Servers Overview Clicking on the "Add server" button brings up a dialog with a script to run on your server. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/289fdcd2-b3fe-49Few readersCloudLinux / CageFS support for nixstatsagent
If you're running CloudLinux (with CageFS) you might not be able to view the processes list, or only be able to view the nixstatsagent process itself. To enable the process level monitoring you have to exclude the nixstatsagent process from CageFS. We need the groupid of nixstatsagent, get the groupid by running id nixstats Edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add the following line to the CageFS section. fs.procsupergid=GROUPID Replace GROUPID with the groupid that was reFew readersInstalling nixstatsagent on Windows
Install Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7 Download available at microsoft.com Download and run nixstatsagent-setup.exe Available on the servers overview page, click "Add server" then select "Windows". The userid is also shown on this page, the installer will ask for this, copyFew readersNixstats with grsecurity (OVH Kernel)
To monitoring some metrics in the /proc path special permission is needed if the kernel is compiled with grsecurity. To check if grsecurity is enabled run sysctl -a grep grsecurity root@test:~ sysctl -a grep grsecurity kernel.grsecurity.auditptrace = 1 kernel.grsecurity.consistentsetxid = 1 kernel.grsecurity.denynewusb = 0 kernel.grsecurity.dmesg = 1 kernel.grsecurity.forkfaillogging = 1 kernel.grsecurity.grseclock = 0 kernel.grsecurity.hardenptrace = 1 kernel.grsecurity.ptracFew readers