Articles on: Plugins

Monitoring Asterisk

Asterisk is a free and open source framework for building communications applications. This plugins allows you to monitor calls as well as incoming calls.

Asterisk Mail Queue Size Metrics

Incoming calls

Installing the Asterisk Plugin

The nixstats user needs sudo access to run sudo asterisk. Open /etc/sudoers and append the following at the end of the file.

nixstats ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/asterisk

This is considering exim is install in /usr/sbin/asterisk you can locate where asterisk is installed by running `whereis asterisk`

Now open /etc/nixstats.ini and append the following lines at the end of the file.

enabled = yes

Testing the asterisk plugin

Run su -p nixstats then run nixstatsagent test asterisk the following to see if everything is installed correctly.

root@nixstats:~# su -p nixstats
nixstats@nixstats:~# nixstatsagent test asterisk
    "calls": 0,
    "incomingcalls": 0

If the test is successful you can restart the agent to start sending data to Nixstats.

service nixstatsagent restart

Create an asterisk chart

Click on the Metrics link on the top menu, now select "asterisk" as metric type and calls as metric, choose the servers you would like to graph and save it to your dashboard.

Updated on: 04/09/2018

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